Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life

Adanna Nwadike Sociology 101-052 Professor. Wyzykowski 2/21/12 Sociology in Our Times: Chapter 4 Outline: Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life I. Components of Social Structure A. Status 1. Status is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties. 2. Status set compromises all the statuses that a person occupies at a given time. 3. Ascribed status is a social position conferred at birth or received involuntarily later in life, based on attributes over which the individual has little or no control, such as race, ethnicity, age, and gender. . Achieved status is a social position a person assumes voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort. 5. Master status is the most important status a person occupies. 6. Status symbols material signs that inform others of a person’s specific status. B. Role 1. Role is a set of behavioral expectations associated with a given status 2. Role expectat ion is a group’s or society’s definition of the way a specific role ought to be played. 3. Role performance is how a person actually plays the role. 4.Role conflict occurs when incompatible role demands are placed on a person by two or more statuses held at the same time. 5. Role stain occurs when incompatible demands are built into a single status that a person occupies. 6. Role exit occurs when people disengage from social roles that have been central to their self-identity. C. Group 1. Social Group consists of two or more people who interact frequently and share a common identity and a feeling of interdependence. 2. Primary group is a small, less specialized group in which members engage in face-to-face, emotion-based interactions over an extended period of time. . Secondary group is a larger, more specialized group in which members engage in more impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time. 4. Formal organization is a highly structured grou p formed for the purpose of completing certain tasks or achieving specific goals. D. Social Institutions 1. Social institution is a set of organized beliefs and rules that establishes how a society will attempt to meet its basic social needs. II. Societies: Changes in Social Structure A. Durkheim: Mechanical and Organic Solidarity . Division of labor refers to how the various tasks of a society are divided up and performed. 2. Mechanical solidarity refers to the social cohesion of preindustrial societies, in which there is minimal division of a labor and people feel united by shared values and common social bonds. 3. Organic solidarity refers to the social cohesion found in industrial (and perhaps postindustrial) societies, in which people perform very specialized tasks and feel united by their mutual dependence. B. Tonnies: Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft 1.Gemeinschaft is a traditional society in which social relationships are based on personal bonds of friendship and kinship and on intergenerational stability. 2. Gesellschaft is a large, urban society in which social bonds are based on impersonal and specialized relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group or consensus on values. C. Industrial and Postindustrial Societies 1. Industrial societies are based on technology that mechanizes production. 2. Postindustrial society is one in which technology supports a service-and information-based economy.III. Social Interaction: The Microlevel Perspective A. The Social Construction of Reality 1. Social Construction of Reality- the process by which our perception of reality is largely shaped by the subjective meaning that we give to an experience. 2. Self-fulfilling prophecy- a false belief or prediction that produces behavior that makes the originally false belief come true. B. Ethnomethodology 1. Ethnomethodology is the study of the commonsense knowledge that people use to understand the situations in which they find themselves. C. Dramaturgical Anal ysis 1.Dramaturgical analysis is the study of social interaction that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation. 2. Impression management (presentation of self) refers to people’s efforts to present themselves to others in ways that are most favorable to their own interests or image. 3. Face-saving behavior refers to the strategies we use to rescue our performance when we experience a potential or actual loss of face. D. Nonverbal Communication 1. Nonverbal Communication is the transfer of information between persons without the use of words. 2. Personal space is the immediate area surrounding a person that person claims is private. Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life Adanna Nwadike Sociology 101-052 Professor. Wyzykowski 2/21/12 Sociology in Our Times: Chapter 4 Outline: Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life I. Components of Social Structure A. Status 1. Status is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties. 2. Status set compromises all the statuses that a person occupies at a given time. 3. Ascribed status is a social position conferred at birth or received involuntarily later in life, based on attributes over which the individual has little or no control, such as race, ethnicity, age, and gender. . Achieved status is a social position a person assumes voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort. 5. Master status is the most important status a person occupies. 6. Status symbols material signs that inform others of a person’s specific status. B. Role 1. Role is a set of behavioral expectations associated with a given status 2. Role expectat ion is a group’s or society’s definition of the way a specific role ought to be played. 3. Role performance is how a person actually plays the role. 4.Role conflict occurs when incompatible role demands are placed on a person by two or more statuses held at the same time. 5. Role stain occurs when incompatible demands are built into a single status that a person occupies. 6. Role exit occurs when people disengage from social roles that have been central to their self-identity. C. Group 1. Social Group consists of two or more people who interact frequently and share a common identity and a feeling of interdependence. 2. Primary group is a small, less specialized group in which members engage in face-to-face, emotion-based interactions over an extended period of time. . Secondary group is a larger, more specialized group in which members engage in more impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time. 4. Formal organization is a highly structured grou p formed for the purpose of completing certain tasks or achieving specific goals. D. Social Institutions 1. Social institution is a set of organized beliefs and rules that establishes how a society will attempt to meet its basic social needs. II. Societies: Changes in Social Structure A. Durkheim: Mechanical and Organic Solidarity . Division of labor refers to how the various tasks of a society are divided up and performed. 2. Mechanical solidarity refers to the social cohesion of preindustrial societies, in which there is minimal division of a labor and people feel united by shared values and common social bonds. 3. Organic solidarity refers to the social cohesion found in industrial (and perhaps postindustrial) societies, in which people perform very specialized tasks and feel united by their mutual dependence. B. Tonnies: Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft 1.Gemeinschaft is a traditional society in which social relationships are based on personal bonds of friendship and kinship and on intergenerational stability. 2. Gesellschaft is a large, urban society in which social bonds are based on impersonal and specialized relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group or consensus on values. C. Industrial and Postindustrial Societies 1. Industrial societies are based on technology that mechanizes production. 2. Postindustrial society is one in which technology supports a service-and information-based economy.III. Social Interaction: The Microlevel Perspective A. The Social Construction of Reality 1. Social Construction of Reality- the process by which our perception of reality is largely shaped by the subjective meaning that we give to an experience. 2. Self-fulfilling prophecy- a false belief or prediction that produces behavior that makes the originally false belief come true. B. Ethnomethodology 1. Ethnomethodology is the study of the commonsense knowledge that people use to understand the situations in which they find themselves. C. Dramaturgical Anal ysis 1.Dramaturgical analysis is the study of social interaction that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation. 2. Impression management (presentation of self) refers to people’s efforts to present themselves to others in ways that are most favorable to their own interests or image. 3. Face-saving behavior refers to the strategies we use to rescue our performance when we experience a potential or actual loss of face. D. Nonverbal Communication 1. Nonverbal Communication is the transfer of information between persons without the use of words. 2. Personal space is the immediate area surrounding a person that person claims is private.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How To Bulk Up And Gain Weight Essay

A lot of people will reach a stage when they want to bulk up and gain some muscle mass and the process of bulking up can be a frustrating one for many. The process of bulking up is pretty simple on paper but very hard to do in practice. With our expert advice, we will show you how to bulk up properly and safely. Always remember that although some people find it harder to bulk up than others, anyone can gain muscle weight with proper exercise and nutrition. You need to get to know your body type and this can only be done with some trial and error in the gym and the kitchen. Some people can just look at a weight and grow muscle while many people refer to themselves as hard gainers. In truth hard gainers will just have to eat more food to bulk up than non hard gainers which can be either a blessing or a curse depending on how you look at it. Hard gainers may find it harder to gain muscle but on the plus side they will stay leaner than most. Whatever body type you have the rules of bulking up are the same for everyone. You simply need to eat more calories than your body needs and you also need to perform heavy compound exercises. When you put it like this the whole process of bulking up and gaining muscle doesn’t sound so scary. The first, and probably the most important, rule of bulking up is that you must eat more calories than your body needs. Many people take this is a great excuse for gorging on junk food and eating whatever they feel like but I can tell you from experience that this will just make you fat. Unless you are using some kind of anabolic, you need to make sure the food you are eating is of a very high quality. This generally means cutting out all junk or processed food and eating lots of lean meat, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and good fats. The cleaner your diet is when bulking up the less fat you will gain and the better you will look at the end of it. It is impossible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time so you need to decide on your goal. If you really want to bulk up significantly you will have to accept the fact that along with some quality muscle you will probably gain a small amount of extra body fat. Notice I said small amount of body fat and this does not mean using t his as an excuse to eat junk food. Don’t freak out about this because when you gain muscle your body will look naturally leaner anyway and your metabolism will be increased meaning it is fairly easy to cut down your body fat. Most bodybuilders have bulking and cutting phases which athletes might refer to as an on season and an off season. You can bulk up for a couple of months and then diet down for another few months. Most people who go on to gain substantial muscle mass do several bulking and cutting cycles a year. Athletes involved in sports can use time during the off season to bulk up and cut down in time for the on season. Always remember that bulking up and building muscle takes time and you should not expect miracle results after a few weeks. The key to successfully gaining weight is to eat well, train smart and be persistent. Bulking Up Tips Lift more weight This one sounds obvious but if you are looking to gain size you need to train with fairly heavy weights. Ideally you should try and increase the amount of weight you lift each week. If you are getting stronger then that is a very good sign that you will soon get bigger. As a rule of thumb, if your strength goes up then you should find yourself getting bigger. Compound exercises When it comes to exercise choice you should always make sure you focus your workouts around the big three exercises, the squat, bench press and deadlift. These compound exercises will tax all of the muscles in your body and help you bulk up faster than any other exercises. If you do not include the big three moves in your exercise regime then you are seriously short changing yourself when it comes to bulking up. In terms of bulking up, squats and deadlifts are your best friend as they tax all the muscles in your body and release more growth hormone and testosterone than single joint exercises. Reps If you want to bulk up and gain weight then aim to perform around 8- 12 reps for most exercises. There is always debate over the number of reps you need to perform to gain muscle but to keep it simple you should use 8-12 reps for gaining muscle, 1-6 reps for getting stronger and 15-20 reps for muscular endurance. Avoid Cardio Cardiovascular exercise is great for your health but it will be your worst enemy when you are trying to gain weight, especially if you are a natural hard gainer. The problem with cardiovascular exercise when you are bulking up is that cardio burns off valuable calories needed for gaining weight. There is nothing wrong with one or two light cardio sessions if you are bulking up but most trainers would advise you to keep it to an absolute minimum if you are serious about bulking up. Eat More Food Food is the key to bulking up properly and you need to make sure you are eating regular and often. This sounds simple but can actually be a real chore when bulking up. You should aim to eat a protein rich meal with plenty of complex carbohydrate every three hours. This kind of constant eating can be fun at first but quickly gets tiring after a month or so. Whole foods are more important than protein shakes when it comes to bulking up so never ignore a good diet. The more consistent you are with your eating, the faster you will bulk up and see results. Aim to eat three or four solid meals a day and drink two to three protein shakes in between meals. I find it hard to stick to strict calorie counting and find that getting to know your body well though experience is the best way to determine how much you should be eating. Eat More Protein You need more protein than an average person if you want to build muscle. When it comes to bulking up, getting enough protein is essential. Some good protein choices when bulking up are steak, eggs, whey protein and chicken breast. Get More Rest In order to grow muscle and bulk up you will actually need to rest more than usual. Your body grows stronger and repairs itself when you are sleeping, not in the gym. Try and aim for about 9 hours sleep a night to improve your results. Don’t Over Train It is tempting to follow the 6 days a week training regimes that most muscle magazines try to sell you but unless you are taking steroids then these will quickly cause you to become over trained and will actually start to make you smaller and weaker. A natural bodybuilder shouldn’t generally train with weights for more than three or maybe four days a week at the most. What To Eat To Bulk up Nutrition can be a pretty confusing topic for someone who wants to bulk up and gain muscle but it needn’t be because the basics of bulking up nutrition are pretty simple. A good diet is one of the most important variables when it comes to bulking up and it’s something that you should think carefully about. In order to bulk up and gain muscle you should eat lean meats, dairy, vegetables, complex carbs and healthy fats. I have written out a list of the most important foods you should eat if you want to bulk up. Ideally you want about 30% of your calories to come from protein, 50% from complex carbohydrate and 20% of your calories from healthy fats.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Operation information system management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Operation information system management - Essay Example The telecommunication component constitute of information technology that helps to channel information to all the departments within an organization. In addition, information technology encourages creativity and innovativeness because of dynamism experienced in business environment. The major types of information systems include; functional system and organization information systems. Functional information systems provide support to specific departments within an organization (Encyclopedia Britanic pp.1-3). An example of functional information systems include; production system, marketing systems and cross functional systems. Those systems helps in ensuring that there efficient and effective logistics operations (Encyclopedia Britanic p.3). On the other hand, organization information systems are those systems that enhance effectiveness and efficiency in organization operations. Among the organization systems include; those that provide support to the organization operations, organiz ation knowledge and managerial support. Operation support encompasses three major areas of operations namely; supply chain management, transactional systems and management of customer’s relationships (Encyclopedia Britanic pp.2-3). Knowledge support system facilitates flow of knowledge through out the organization. Among the knowledge systems include; collaboration support systems, professional knowledge support systems and knowledge management systems. A collaboration management system helps to ensure proper coordination among all departments within an organization. On the contrary, a professional knowledge management system helps to promote cohesiveness among different professionals working together in a company. Connectively, management support system entails decision support models such as executive support systems and managerial reporting systems (Encyclopedia Britanic p.3-7). Therefore, this study will provide a comprehensive report and an analysis of the role and acqui sition of information systems for TGL senior management as well as line management. Role and acquisition of IS for TGL for its senior management and line management Information system involves three major roles namely; providing support to business operations, making managerial decisions and providing support to achieve strategic competitive advantage (Bagad p.2). Business operation role involves applying information systems in recording inventories, billing of vendors and customers, management of cash flows to mention just but a few. For example, it can be scrutinized that TGL Company has an account department that takes part in executing business operation role. For example, it was reported that TGL account department makes purchase orders as well as make payment for goods and services on behalf of the entire organization. In addition, TGL marketing department conduct marketing research to determine popularity of their company products and design marketing strategies that can be e mployed to market their company products. Whereby, marketing managers provides managers with necessary information that can help them make sound decisions on the most appropriate design that can be employed. On the other hand, information system plays decision role, this involves providing information that may help TGL managers to decide whether to invest, divest or not to invest on a particular product (Bagad p.2-3). Finally, information syst

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Catalonia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Catalonia - Term Paper Example The climate of Catalonia varies depending on the location, such as the areas along the coast, the inland, up in the mountains, or within the valleys. In the provinces on the edge of the coast and part of inland Barcelona, the climate is subtropic with hot and dry summers of around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and cold winters, though it gets colder the closer to the shore the province is. The rest of inland Catalonia is hotter in the summer than in other locations, reaching temperatures as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit, and cooler during the nights. In these regions, Catalonia gets the majority of its rainfall during spring and autumn. The valleys, however, with their oceanic climate, have their wettest season in summer, and often experiences freezing rain and subzero temperatures during the winter months. Throughout the year, snow is a common occurrence in the Pyrenees mountains. Catalonia’s flora and fauna is considered to be among the most incredible throughout Spain. Catalonia, Barcelona specifically, contains sixty unique parks, with a combined total of 140 different trees, including figs, cypresses, and cedars, which are common to the Mediterranean. Despite the wonders found in the parks of Barcelona, the mountains of Catalonia is where the majestic beauty of nature truly flourishes. â€Å"With beechwood and evergreen oak forests, extraordinary rock formations, glacial lakes and thousands of plant species, the Catalan Pyrenees are one of Europe’s greatest natural wonders (Shubert, 1992).† In the spring, the meadows of the Pyrenees are covered with pheasant’s eye narcissi, fritillaries, jasmine, trumpet gentians, and Pyrenean hyacinths. The autumn season is graced with red and gold Montpellier maples and downy oaks, and the meadows are then spotted with crocuses and purple merendera. Come winter, the Pyrenees is decorated with irises and orchids. Vall d’Aran displays these floral delights year round, and Augues Tortes is home to the lake of Sant Maurici and forests fit to burst with Scots pine and silver fur. Catalonia is considered to have â€Å"a greater diversity of wildlife than any other region of Spain (Williams, 1994).† In the Pyrenees, one can find the marmot, which is a large rodent, the goat-like isard, or wild boar as they sniff out truffles. Other present creatures include badgers, otters, and ibex. While they are difficult to find, many having just been reintroduced into the wild, Catalonia is also home to the Iberian lynx and various bears and wolves. In the mountains, the rivers and meadows are teeming with the Pyrenean brook salamander, the painted frog, asps, and a unique variety of dragonflies and butterflies, as well as the giant peacock moth, which is Europe’s largest insect. Located alongside the Mediterranean Sea, Catalonia has a variety of rivers and lakes that are fed from the sea. The main rivers that connect with the Mediterranean Sea are the Ebre, Llobregat, and t he Ter. There are two primary basins in Catalonia, Ebro and the main â€Å"one that comprises the internal basins of Catalonia (White & Aviva, 2010)†, all of which flow into the Mediterranean. There is also the Garona river basin that meets with the Atlantic Ocean, but it takes up an insignificant portion of land. Though there are small lakes spotted throughout Catalonia, the majority of them can be found in the Pyrenees, with the largest being Banyoles, a remnant of the ice age. Catalonia’s History Before Catalonia became the Catalonia we know today, it

Personal Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement - Assignment Example A few years ago, my dad developed Parkinsons disease. Despite the fact that I am currently pursuing my studies in chiropractic school in Los Angeles, I am the only person in my family with the ability and position to assist him and provide care. Due to the severity of my dads disease, I am forced to drive everyday from San Diego, my home town, to Los Angeles to attend classes on a daily basis. It is in this regard that I am applying for a care giver scholarship in order to learn the various element of care giving. According to a definition explicated by Mayo Clinic, Parkinsons disease is a "Progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement" (para.1). It is important to note that Parkinsons disease develops steadily, and having a close relative or family member with the disease elevates the risk of its development in other family members. The comprehension that development of Parkinsons disease is correlated to genetics and my role as a care giver partly influenced my decision to major in Chiropractics. This has been geared towards gaining knowledge to help my dad cope with the effects of Parkinsons disease and also to learn and understand how to reduce the risk of developing the disease owing to my elevated risks in relation to hereditary factors. In essence, chiropractic is a career path that spotlights on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and related consequences. As reiterated by American Chiropractic Association (para.1), chiropractic deals with cure and management of neuromuscular and cardiovascular problems such as back and neck pains. Having witnessed my father struggling with the effects of the disease particularly difficulties in walking and back pains, I believed that a chiropractic course would help gain relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities that I could apply in helping my dad cope with the effects of Parkinsons disease. This scholarship will be helpful to me in my

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Video Games and Their Benefits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 21

Video Games and Their Benefits - Research Paper Example The work tries to summarize all research on the positive impact of playing video games, focusing on four main domains: motivational, cognitive, emotional, and social. By assimilating understandings from positive, developmental and media psychology, as well as social psychology, we suggest some candidate ways by which playing video games may lead to real-world psychosocial benefits(Gunter, 1998). The main objective of the work is to provide solid enough evidence and a theoretical rationale to inspire new programs of research on the fundamentally unexplored mental health benefits of gaming. And finally to call to the intervention researchers and practitioners to test the constructive and positive uses of video games and giving the way forward and suggestion of doing so.  Most people normally use diverse media is in order to manage their moods and to enhance their emotional states. Through video games which are the most efficient and effective means by which youths and children genera te positive feelings which in turn improve their mood and increases their positive emotions, for example, playing puzzle video game, a game with minimal interference, high degree of accessibility and short-term commitment, improves players moods, promotes relaxation, and ward of anxiety(McGonigal, 2012). From the 2009's Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, gamers who suffered from mental health issues like depression and stress are able to vent their aggression and frustration by playing video games, this leads to great improvement in their state of mind. Also, most people play video games for enjoyment and improving their mood, the game also distracts them from real-world problems (e.g. bulling and other negative behaviors from young children). When the gamer succeeds in the game they get to have positive feelings, becoming more relaxed and reduced anxiety.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Summary and response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Summary and response - Essay Example In her own words she notes, â€Å"I am strongly opposed to young children playing tackle football.† In another instance, she notes that, by children taking part in competitive sports, they will be deprived of their ability to develop competitive aspects. In conclusion, Statsky affirms her position by noting that competitive sports only stresses on the aspects of competition and winning. By only using such credible information, she is able to relay the intended message which is plainly illustrated in her statement in which she strongly develops the image that competitive sports may be harmful to children. In her opinion, children should just be allowed to play sports that are appropriate to them and suits their abilities and needs. By these statements, it is clearly and strongly evident how Statsky has developed her arguments against such plays among children, and the recommendations she gives as alternatives for such children. Looking at the arguments set forth in the essay, I would categorically state that I agree with Statsky’s position regarding competitive sports for young children, although to a partial degree. This is because; I also value the essence of competitive theory, which forms the basis of competitive growth even in sports. However, I am mesmerized by the manner in which the author organizes and presents her arguments on the topic. In this response, I would specifically concentrate on the points that seemingly make her essay to be very effective and how she manages to build on such credibility. Particularly, she appears to be consistent in her reasoning considering that her opinions are well-supported in the essay thus, allowing readers to be convinced by it. I think that the success achieved in conveying the message across is one main achievement that is made possible and feasible by the engagement of various kinds of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

CASE STUDY - Essay Example In 1972 the company reported Net Income of $172.7 million that increased by more than hundred percent to $497.3 million. The financial performance of the company was characterized by steady and consistent growth and rising profitability. AHP increased revenues, earnings and shareholders’ dividends for straight 29 years. The company managed to retain the growth in the range of 10 percent and 15 percent in recent years. This growth was financed by the company through internal means even though it paid roughly 60 percent of the earnings as dividends. The earnings growth of the company boosted the share price of the company by nearly three times. The steady growth in sales and rising EPS made the shares of the company an attractive ‘buy’ among the institutional investors. The low debt exposure of AHP seemed to work in favor of the company as it gained wider acceptance from the institutional investors. To couple with this the steady rise in the return on equity of the company seemed to attract more number of buyers which can be the reason for the three fold rise in the share price of the company. The cash flow position of the company was also very strong as evident from the steady rise in the Cash position of the company. In 1976 the company had Cash of nearly $358.8 million that grew to $729.1 million. Even though the company declared a generous portion of the profits as dividend the cash reserves of the company kept rising steadily. In fact the growth in cash reserves even outpaced the growth rate in sales and profits. This ensured that the liquidity position of the company remained strong. A high liquidity, as measured by a high current ratio, is a good sign as it signifies that the company is capable of taking care of any financial emergency (Siegel, et al., 1997, pp80). Warner Lambert was the only company that was comparable to AHP. Like AHP the former also operated in roughly the same businesses and had a debt

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

French press scandal media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

French press scandal media - Essay Example For example, in early October of this year Sarkozy was featured on front news pages as having suffered a migraine that prevented him from attending his weekly ministerial meeting with rival de Villepin. A story of such a personal nature would likely not have been run prior to 2002, when he was first appointed interior minister. There are certain laws and restrictions that govern the French press and ensure protection of individuals. "The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious human rights: hence every citizen may speak, write, print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be determined by Law." Freedom of speech, thus defined by Article 11 of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen has achieved universal scope worldwide. The article inspired the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations on 10 December 1948 (Art. 19) and the European Convention on Human Rights adopted on 4 November 1950 (Art. 10). In France, the State guarantees press freedom and safeguards media independence by ensuring the diversity of opinion and pluralism of news and information. The law prevents excessive media concentration by prohibiting any one media group from controlling more than 30% of the daily press. The Act of 29 July 1881 on freedom of the press provides a framework for press freedom by setting restrictions designed to strike a balance between freedom of expression, protection of citizens and maintaining law and order. In 1984, the Constitutional Council acknowledged the constitutional value of press freedom and its necessary role in a democracy. Protection of individuals The law protects minors from written material and illustrations in which they can be identified. It prohibits licentious and violent publications which target minors. The law punishes slander and defamation: "Any offensive expression, contemptuous term or invective, not based on fact, constitutes slander. Any allegation or imputation of an act which dishonours or damages the reputation of the person or entity against whom it is made constitutes defamation". (Article 29, Act of 29 July 1881). Audiovisual media Article 1 of the Act of 30 September 1986 (amended) on Freedom of Communication states that "this freedom may be limited only, to the extent required, for the respect of human dignity, freedom and property of other people, the pluralistic nature of the expression of ideas and opinions and, for the protection of children and adolescents, safeguarding of law and order, for national defense, public service reasons ()." REASONS FOR AND AGAINST IMPOSITION OF A NEW LAW There are reasons why the Government should impose a new law that limits the intrusion of the press taking into consideration people's personal lives/ affairs and problems. First, the information intended to be published by the media should be subjected to scrutiny to ensure there is no contravention of the law leading to defamation or erosion of character of the party involved. Another reason is that as in the Sarkozy's case, the media have not been so sure

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How to Make Almost Anything Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How to Make Almost Anything - Essay Example It has also provided industrial and business policy makers a specific structure for the ongoing debate and knowledge sharing process of â€Å"Digital fabrication†. Digital Fabrication is very different from traditional manufacturing method because it integrates the computer-assisted designs with the traditional manufacturing process. Digital Fabrication will have a massive impact on automobiles, consumer products, life sciences and the entire manufacturing sector because it will able to integrate all the aspects of science and technology in one single dimension unlike the traditional method of manufacturing tools and technology. (Easton, 2008) The digital fabrication indeed presents a digital revolution. Digital fabrication will allow future 3-D printers to build complete functional systems with no needs for parts to be assembled. The potential of the digital fabrication booming is undoubtedly huge. One of the most important reasons why it will be successful in the future is because it will allow for the development of low-cost, domestically produced manufacturing facilities, which are also capable of building a huge range of highly advanced products. (Hopkinson & Dickens, 2006) Digital fabrication brings mobility and flexibility to the conventional method of fabrication where materials and tools were used manually in a cumbersome manner and it took a huge amount of time. Although digital fabrication draws on the same thoughts and insights that had led to the idea of communication and computation, however it is much quicker and sharper than the conventional approach. Digital fabrication allows people to design products wherever needed to be produced. This method will challenge traditional business models of business, arts, medicine and education. Not only that, but it will revolutionize the concept of science and technology to a huge extent. According to Stephens

Monday, July 22, 2019

Technological Advancements in Communication Essay Example for Free

Technological Advancements in Communication Essay Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following questions based on â€Å"Superhero in the Cubicle† in the Electronic Reserve Readings: Q: What technological advancements in communication were discussed in the article? The technological communication advancements discussed in the article, ‘Superhero in the Cubicle’, were IBM Lotus Connections by Big Blue, Smartsheet from, Web 2.0 Mashup Server software by Kapow Technology, and Near Time, and Confulence form Atlassian used by John Hopkins University students. Q: Choose two (2) communication types and compare and contrast them. How could these be used in your workplace? IBM Lotus Connections and Near-Time share similarities in enabling the users to blog, wiki, and mashup because these collaborative Web technology tools are equipped with the social computing abilities. Both of these advanced technological tools are both easy to install, without any IT’s assistance, and inexpensive (economical). Near-Time allows the users to sort out the information source and develop new informal channels; in contrast, IBM Lotus Connections does not allow users the same information sorting and creating functions. Making use of these advanced technological tools for wiki, store and retrieve data, and blogging seems practical and beneficial at my workplace; however, my job does not always need these highly developed technological devices to accomplish the work goals. Q: Do these technological advancements in communication follow what is traditionally considered business communication? Why? Although the present business environment adapts to itself to the highly and rapidly changing setting, I do not think these technological advancements in communication mentioned in the article follow the traditionally considered business communication yet. According to the article, it is evident that  these advanced communication tools are present in the current business environment; numerous businesses do not seem to accept and utilize all the tools included in the article to operate their everyday business activities. Perhaps, many businesses, small and big, still consider these advanced tools as the novel commodities. In addition, some companies may still consider these collaborative tools as high maintenance products because the employees may need to spend extra time to become proficient with the technology; thus, the companies may find these tools as a cause for extra expenses that cannot be included in their budget. Reference Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2010). Superhero in the cubicle. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from Axia College, Week Three reading, aXcess, XCOM285-Essentials of Managerial Communication Course Web site.

Microbial Analysis of Soil Essay Example for Free

Microbial Analysis of Soil Essay Abstract: soil samples were collected fortnightly from area near Dahisar River, A river in suburb of Mumbai. laboratory analysis started from July 2010 to September 2010. Total bacterial and fungal count were estimated by standard spread plate isolation. Isolated bacteria were subject to colony characterization and were estimated by their morphological and biochemical characters. As being a monsoon the occurrence of variation of different species were high. The microorganisms isolated from the soil were of staphylococcus strain and were gram positive, aerobic, coccus shaped bacteria. The fungal species were also identified, of which Aspergillus and Penicillium were dominant, followed by mucur, as sub dominant .This project aims to find out the water and soil quality of River and as it is flowing through an industrial area, to find out if it is getting affected by the Industrial pollutants. Introduction: Soil is the region on the earth’s crust where geology and biology meet, the land surface that provides a home to plant animal and microbial life (Pelczar et al., 1993). Soil teems with microscopic life (bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses) as well as macroscopic life such as earthworms, nematodes, mites, and insects, and also the root systems of plants. The numbers and kinds of micro- organisms present in soil depend on many environmental factors: amount and type of nutrients available, available moisture, degree of aeration, pH, temperature etc (Prescott et al., 1999). Soil bacteria and fungi play pivotal roles in various biochemical cycles and are responsible for the recycling of organic compounds (Wall and Virginia, 1999). Soil microorganisms also influence above- ground ecosystems by contributing to plant nutrition, plant health, soil structure and soil fertility (O’Donnell et al., 2001). Soil is generally a favorable habitat for the proliferation of microorganisms, with micro colonies, developing around soil particles. Numbers of micro organism . In soil habitats normally are much higher than those in fresh water or marine habitats (Atals and Bartha, 1998). Bacteria make up the most abundant group of micro- organisms in the soil (3.0 x 106 – 5.0 x 108) per gram of soil, followed by the actinomycetes (1.0 x 106 – 2.0 x 107), fungi (5.0 x 103 – 9.0 x 106), yeast (I.0 x 103 – 1.0 x 106), algae and protozoa (1.0 x 103- 5.0 x 105) and nematodes (50 – 200) counts per gram of soil are wide differences in the relative proportions of individual bacteria genera found in particular soils (Atals and Bartha, 1998). Soil fungi may occur as free-living organisms or in mycorrhizal association with plant roots. Fungi are found primarily in the top 10 cm of the soil and are rarely found below 30 cm. They are most abundant in well-aerated and acidic soils (Domsch et al., 1980). Most fungi in soil are opportunistic (zymogenous). They grow and carry out active metabolism when conditions are favorable which implies adequate moisture, adequate aeration and relatively high concentrations of utilizable substrates (Postage, 1994; Miyanoto et al., 2002). In this research we isolate culturable heterotrophic bacteria and fungi from different top soil samples MATERIALS AND METHODS Laboratory analysis Preparation of materials The materials needed for this experiment include; glass wares (conical flasks, bijou bottles, pipettes, petri-dishes) and they were washed with detergents. These glass wares were rinsed thoroughly with clean distilled portable water and left to air dry before sterilizing them in the autoclave at 15ââ€" ¦C for 1 hour. Also, the laboratory cabinets on which the work would be carried out was swabbed with cotton wool soaked in methylated spirit to sterilize it before any microbiological analysis was carried out to avoid the growth and isolation of other organisms not present in the samples. After sterilization, the plates were allowed to cool to about 45 degrees before they were used. Microbiological evaluation Ten (10) grams of the soil sample for microbiological evaluation was weighed into 9ml of sterile water. Preparation of serial dilution goes thus: 1ml of the original stocks solution was poured into 9ml sterile distilled water and mixed thoroughly to give 10-2 of the original sample and this was done for each sample and the bottles labeled according to date of collection Isolation and Enumeration of Micro-organisms. 1gram of the samples was homogenized in 9mls of distilled water to obtain a ratio of 1:9 and the second diluted of each sample was plated using the pour plate technique. Sterile molten nutrient agar (NA), potato dextrose agar (PDA), macconky’s agar,(MA) manitol salt agar (MSA) and deoxycholate astrate agar (DCA) were used{the potato dextrose agar (PDA) was acidified). These agars were then added and left to solidify undisturbed. These plates were incubated 37oC for 24hours (incubation was aerobic) and the procedure was repeated using 10-2 finally the number of colonies per plates were counted and recorded. The acidified PDA was incubated at 25C for 3-7 days for microbial growth. Total Bacterial counts (Cfu/g) The total bacteria count for each sample was determined with the pour plate techniques using nutrient agar. The plates were incubated between 24hours at 370C and all colonies appearing on the end of the incubation period were counted using digital unlimited colony counter and the counts were expressed in colony forming unit per gram {CFU/g} of the sample. Colonies of bacteria developing on the plates were observed, isolated and reisolated on a fresh media until pure culture was obtained. Preparation of Pure Culture It is necessary to isolate organisms in pure culture before studying and identifying them because a pure culture originates from one cell. Characteristics colonies from the original culture on the plates were picked with a sterile wire loop (using surface streaking method) and this loop was used to make streak of the colony on the surface of newly prepared sterile agar plates of NA,MA MSA. These streak will space out the inoculants and discrete colony of a particular specie of organism and then incubated at 35-37oC for 24hours to enhance microbial growth. Distinct colonies were re-inoculated on another fresh agar plates in order to obtain a pure culture. The isolates were picked with sterile loop and streaked into prepared agar slants, labeled and incubated for growth after which they were kept in the refrigerator for future use and identification. Identification of Isolates These isolated bacteria were identified using both morphological culture characteristics (i.e. the color, shape, elevation, capacity, consistency, edge) and biochemical test (i.e. citrate, oxidase, indole, sugar fermentation, test etc.)and the bacteria were identified based on the results obtained from the above mentioned biochemical characterization results and the procedures include. Grams Staining Techniques A drop of distilled water was placed on a clean glass slide. The inoculating wire loop was sterilized by flaming until it was red hot (this is to prevent the invasion of unwanted micro- organisms that might be inhabiting the wire loop) in the blue flame of a Bunsen burner. The loop was allowed to cool and the small portion of each colony of microorganisms to be gram stained was picked and smeared in the drop of water (distilled) on the glass slide and then spread into a thin smear along the slide. The smear was air dried and passed through the blue flame. The smear was stained with 1%crystal violet and left for 1minutes (60secs) and then washed with running distilled water it was then stained again with Lugols iodine for another 60secs and also washed with running distilled water. The slide was decolorized rapidly with 75% alcohol in order to present the organism from having the color of the primary reagent and it was washed immediately with distilled water. The slide finally was flooded with a counter stain safranine (a secondary stain) for 60secons and also washed off with distilled water and allow to air dry. The slide was covered with a cover slide and observed under the microscope using oil immersion x 100 objective lens with immersion oil. The gram reaction of the isolated arrangement and the shape of the cell were observed and recorded. Gram positive (+ve) bacterial were characterized by a purple color (i.e. the primary stain) while the gram negative (-ve) bacteria were characterized by red color (i.e. the secondary stain) .This procedure is actually used to ascertain the component of each organisms cell wall. Motility Motility was determined by hanging drop techniques. Using loop, a little part of the colony of the organisms were grown in peptone water for 18hours and then placed in the grease free slide and covered with a Vaseline bound cover slip and then observed under x100 objective lens. A motile organism is then seen moving in the drop of liquid. Identification Of Mold Isolates Mold isolated was identified using cultural and morphological characteristics and according to (Fawole and Oso, 2001), microscopic observation was carried out using lacto phenol blue stain. Procedure for Mold Staining A drop of lacto phenol blue stain was dropped on a clean grease free sterilized glass slide and after this a sterile inoculating wire loop was used to pick the mycelium unto the glass slide from the mold culture .The mycelium was spread evenly on the slide. Teasing was carried out to separate the mycelium in order to get a homogenous mixture and the mixture was then covered with cover slips gently and then allowed to stay for some seconds before observing under x40 under the microscope. The microscope examination of actively growing mold was on the basis of structures bearing spores, presence or absence of septate. BIOCHEMICAL TESTS Catalase Test Catalase test demonstrates the presence of catalase enzyme by aerobic microorganisms. Catalase is an enzyme that catalysis the release of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). To test for catalase, a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution was added to a slide and the organism to be tested for catalase production is brought in contact with the hydrogen peroxide. The production of gas bubbles however indicates a positive reaction and this shows that catalase enzyme is produced.(FawoleOso, 2001) Oxidase test This was carried out by placing a clean filter paper on the working bench or petri dishes and 2-3 drops of freshly prepared oxidase reagent was added to the isolate using a sterile inoculating wire loop. After this, a few quantity of oxidase reagent was added and a purple coloration was observed within 10-15minutes which indicated that the organisms is oxidase positive and according to Olutiola et al, 1991, a positive reaction is dependent on the presence of cytochrome. This test is also useful for the separation of Neisseria in mixed culture and in differentiating Pseudomonas from enteric bacteria. Indole test Olutiola et al, 1991, describes the test as one which is important in the differentiation of colonies and it depends on the production of indole from tryptophan by the organism. An inoculating loop was used to inoculate the organism into a test tube containing decarboxylase medium becomes violet. An uninoculated test tube serves as a control (i.e. remained yellow) Sugar fermentation test The ability of the isolates to utilize certain sugar as energy source was tested. If the organism does ferment a particular sugar, acid will be produced and gas may be produced or not. Acid production is indicated by color change of the medium from red to yellow and acid presence could also be detectable with a ph. indicator in the medium while the production of gas is indicated by a void produced in a Durham tube. The fermentation medium was prepared by 0.1g of sodium chloride and 0.1g of fermentable sugar (glucose) in 10ml of distilled water. An amount of 9ml of the medium was pipette into a test tube containing Durham’s tubes in replicates. 5ml of phenol red indicator was immediately discharged into the test tubes. The test tubes containing medium were sterilized in an autoclave at 121 o for 15minutes.After sterilization, each isolate were incubated in glucose Medium. An uninoculated test tube was also incubated for glucose to serve as a control. The test was also carried out using maltose, lactose, galactose, manitol, sucrose, fructose and mannose.(Olutiolaet al., 1991) Discussion: The abundance of bacteria and fungi in this study were typical of environment with high species richness and functional diversity. Despite the fact that it is possible that a number of bacteria and fungi may be missed in this study, the isolates could be readily assigned dominant (e.g. Bacillus sp, Aspergillus sp) or transient/succession roles in the isolation of organisms form different seasons, which form the basis of this study. In additions to the implications of the determination of the number of microorganisms during soil sampling, one should consider the qualitative aspect of the preservation of important species and groups of microorganisms and of the changes in these biochemical characteristics resulting from the variations in these counts. Although the results of this study would not be considered to be exhaustive, as it was done within the limits of facilities available in the laboratory, an insight into the population dynamics and distribution of culturable aerobic bacteria and fungi diversity has been elucidated. This is without prejudice to the possible influence which a substantial proportion of bacteria and fungi that are not culturable in vitro could have on the overall picture of event. It would require more modern technology (nuclei acid probes) to obtain such detailed overview of microbial diversity. This should be a subject of extension of this investigation in future. Conclusion Through this project, if emphasis is made on public health, the observation and findings show striking predominance of Salmonella typhi. And E.coli. E.coli being an enterobacter cause dysentery and S.typhi poses a great risk of typhoid. Health inspector and municipal authorities should look into this matter for further investigation and if possible improvement Acknowledgement Investigators are grateful to the Principal Management of S.V.K.M’s Mithibai College for constant encouragement support. And head of department of zoology Prof. V.V. Dalvie for providing me opportunities and Prof. Radhika D’souza, under whose guidance the project was successfully completed References 1 .Atals RM, Bartha R (1998). Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications. 4th Edition. Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc. Addison Wesley Longman Inc. pp. 300 – 350. 2. Miyanoto T, Igaraslic T, Takahashi K (2002). Lignin–degradation ability of litter decomposing basidomycetes from picea forest of Hokkaida Myco.sci. (41): 105 – 110. 3. Domsch KH, Gaws W, Anderson TH (1980). Compendium of soil fungi 4. O’ Donnell AG, Seasman M, Macrae A, Waite I, Davies JT (2001). Plants and Fertilizers as drivers of change in microbial community structure and function in soil. Plant Soil (232): 135 – 145. 5. Pelczar MJ, Chan ECS, krieg NR (1993). Microbiology: Concept and Application International edition McGraw-Hill, USA. Pp 281-324. 6. Wall DH, Virginia RA (1999). Controls on soil biodiversity insights from extreme environments. Appl. Soil Ecol. (13): 137–150. 7. Fawole and Oso, 2001

Sunday, July 21, 2019

No Way Of Measuring Crime Criminology Essay

No Way Of Measuring Crime Criminology Essay There are many ways of measuring crime; the main way is crime statistics which are released by the Home Office every six months. Statistics released by the Home Office are produced by the ONS which is the Office for National Statistics. These statistics are made up of crimes that have been reported by the police, people that have been charged for a crime and people who have been convicted by a court and help the police and Government measure trends and analyses crime patterns on a large scale. However this method may be flawed in a number of ways, firstly the public may not decide to report a crime may be because it is a private matter such as domestic violence and they feel reporting it may shame them. Secondly certain types of crime are not included within the statistics such as white collar crime; this type of crime is described by Edwin Sutherland (1939) as being a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation. Types of crime that are classed as white collar are insurance fraud, identity theft, money laundering and internet scams. Another crime that is not included within the statistics is corporate fraud; this includes making false accounts, not being truthful about any finances, false transactions, leaking information about a company, hiding financial losses and taking bribes. Secondly official statistics are flawed since not all crimes are recorded by the police; officers may use discretion in certain cases such as using a mobile phone whilst driving then that person may just get a verbal warning. Most crimes are reported to the police but not recorded, either because the offence is minor or the police choose not to. This is referred to as the dark figure of crime crimes that are committed that are never reported or are undiscovered (Biderman Reiss 1967). When the police choose which crimes to include then the figures overall show a false total of the levels of crime in England and Wales. A way in which the government have tried to improve the reliability of the official statistics is the Offending, Crime and Justice Survey (OCJS), this is a self-reporting survey which asks questions about white collar crime, anti-social behaviour, victimisation, domestic violence, drink and drug use. The idea of the survey which was introduced in 2003 was to fill in gaps in the statistics from the Home Office and examine new emerging crimes (Thornberry Krohn 2002:43). The first British Crime Surveys were carried out in the 60s and 70s to help examine crime that had not been reported to the police (Jansson 2007:3), it is used to examine new types of crime that are emerging (Jansson 2007:30). The survey asks around 50,000 people living in England and Wales about crimes that they have experienced first-hand that they have not reported. However a disadvantage of using this method is that it does not include certain crimes such as rape, fraud, abuse and drugs. As the survey focuses on the victims, murder cannot be included as the person would be unable to answer. The survey only uses people living in private houses so this excludes nursing homes, hostels, students living at university and council rented property. All methods of measuring crime provide different perspectives at different levels for example, national or local crime levels. The British Crime Survey provides the government with statistics at a large scale but local government for example; the Islington Crime Survey only uses 2,000 people. This is good as the police will know what areas to focus on in that constituency; it also provides statistics is more detail as it is a smaller area with less people. One of the purposes of measuring crime is that it will help the government implement new policies and laws, if they know which areas of crime to focus on then they can create a law that targets that aspect of crime. Measuring crime also helps monitor the crime level within the country so that the police can focus on areas with a higher crime rate to reduce it either by campaigns or putting more police on the streets to make it safer. Another purpose is that it can be compared to previous years of crime and it will reveal trends in the figures like if crime is on the rise or it is at a consistent level. Measuring crime is also a good way of keeping the public informed, the media can sometimes exaggerate crimes which could turn to moral panic so having official statistics can show the public the actual figures and explain the crime to them. Also measuring crime is important to see if the police are doing their job correctly, if crime levels go down then the police are doing the job if they rise then they need to know how to reduce it. When the Home Office and Office for National Statistics release the statistics they look at what needs improvement and advice the police on how to proceed in different areas. There also may be a disparity between the crime reported to the police and the crime that is actually recorded; there may be a difference because some police forces pay more attention to other crimes than other types of crimes. Also the government may change the legislation so that certain crimes are downgraded such as drugs or prostitution. Police discretion also plays a part in the different between recorded and reported a crime, it is less likely that the police will charge someone for not wearing their seatbelt but more likely to arrest someone for drunk driving. However the difference might occur when the public decide not to report the crime, this may be because they feel it is not worth police time or they do not want to report the offender if they know them for example, domestic violence incidents. Some people might prefer to deal with the problem themselves rather than contact the police if they dislike the police for example, ethnic minorities may not be comfortable reporting crimes to the police (Maguire 2002). Another way in which there may be a disparity is that the Home Office issue guidelines to the police to tell them how to classifying different crimes, categorization helps the police to determine what class the crime is in but it may fall under a category that the police do not consider important so they may not record it. A disparity of the figures could be that a rise of a certain crime being reported more than others for example, burglary. In conclusion measuring crime can never be completely accurate, even with all of the current methods such as statistics and surveys both locally and nationally, the dark figure of crime still exists. However many methods and together they show better results but it is helpful if more members of the public report crimes for the police to record but it would also produce more accurate results if the police recorded more crime even if it is petty. Overall it is useful to have crime data it can help to prevent crime and enable the police to use resources more efficiently in certain areas.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Philosophical Investigations Essay examples -- Philosophy Philosop

The Philosophical Investigations ABSTRACT: The Philosophical Investigations is an inherently pedagogical work. Wittgenstein claims throughout his later writings to be teaching a method and this method is both philosophical and pedagogical. It is the claim of this paper that if we do not take Wittgenstein's methodological claim seriously, we do not engage with the text in the manner for which it was written. Consequently, we begin and end in the wrong places and the text becomes (in the words of Wittgenstein) 'variously misunderstood, more or less mangled and watered-down.' Â §1 is philosophically and pedagogically complex. It presents the philosophical problems to which Wittgenstein will respond in the text which follows and it also, significantly, presents their solution. An investigation of the philosophical and pedagogical questions raised in the opening remark of the Investigations will demonstrate that we have not yet begun to use Wittgenstein's method and his writings to their full potential. The Philosophical Investigations is an inherently pedagogical work. Wittgenstein claims throughout his later writings to be teaching a method, and this method is both philosophical and pedagogical. According to Moore and Fann he remarked to the effect that it did not matter whether his results were true or not, what mattered was that a method had been found (Moore 1993: 113). During the 1930s Wittgenstein also described the Investigations as a textbook; 'a textbook, however, not in that it provides knowledge (Wissen), but rather in that it stimulates thinking (Denken)'. (1) He claimed that the remarks which he wrote enabled him to teach philosophy well. (2) Although generally acknowledged within the secondary literature, these me... ...hers. Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1968) Philosophical Investigations, trans. G. E. M. Anscombe, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. __________ (1969) The Blue and Brown Books: Preliminary Studies for the 'Philosophical Investigations', Oxford: Basil Blackwell. __________ (1980) Culture and Value, eds. G. H. von Wright and H. Nyman, trans. P. Winch, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. __________ (1982) Wittgenstein's Lectures 1932-1935, ed. Alice Ambrose, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. __________ (1988) Wittgenstein's Lectures on Philosophical Psychology 1967-47, ed. P. T. Geach, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. __________ (1993) Philosophical Occasions 1912-1951, eds J. Klagge and A. Nordman, Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. __________ (1993) 'Philosophy' in Philosophical Occasions 1912-1951, eds J. Klagge and A. Nordman, Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Justice and Moderation of the Soul in The Republic, by Plato Essay exam

In his philosophical text, The Republic, Plato argues that justice can only be realized by the moderation of the soul, which he claims reflects as the moderation of the city. He engages in a debate, via the persona of Socrates, with Ademantus and Gaucon on the benefit, or lack thereof, for the man who leads a just life. I shall argue that this analogy reflecting the governing of forces in the soul and in city serves as a sufficient device in proving that justice is beneficial to those who believe in, and practice it. I shall further argue that Plato establishes that the metaphorical bridge between the city and soul analogy and reality is the leader, and that in the city governed by justice the philosopher is king. The three men discuss justice as if it's a good thing. Glaucon wants Socrates to prove that it is, and argues if it is just to do wrong in order to have justice, or on the other hand, is it unjust to never do wrong and therefore have no justice. For example; a man who lies, cheats and steals yet is a respected member of the community would be living a just life, in comparison to a man who never lied, cheated, nor stole anything but lives in poverty and is living an unjust life. Glaucon assumes the life of a just man is better than the life of an unjust man. Socrates now introduces a new method with use of imagery. He mentions a city and all that's within a city, to be applied in reference to the human soul. There are three cities he speaks of the city of necessity, the city of luxury, and the feverish city. The city of necessity only includes items, such as food, shelter and clothing, needed for survival as well as laborers to provide them. Soon, the laborers begin to expand necessity to comfort, thus forming th... ...s. When justice reigns in man's soul, he is a happy man and rules over his soul like a good ruler rules over a society. When injustice reigns in his soul, he is an unhappy man, just as men under an unjust ruler are unhappy. Injustice always brings bondage, so the man who lives in injustice is in bondage either to his own failings or to an evil society. Whether the just man receives extra rewards beyond the happiness of living in a just soul is beside the point. His soul is his world, and if it is a just one, it is a happy place to live. Works Cited Dunkle, Roger. "The Classical Origins of Western Culture" Brooklyn College, The City University of New York. 1986 . Web. 29 July 2015. Plato. Republic. Trans. G.M.A. Grube and C.D.C. Reeve. Plato Complete Works. Ed. John M. Cooper. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1997.

A Book report on The Cuckoo?s Egg by Cliff Stoll - A Cuckoo?s Fledgling :: essays research papers

A Book report on â€Å"The Cuckoo’s Egg† by Cliff Stoll A Cuckoo’s Fledgling Although the 1980s are not generally thought of as a decade of innocence, there were, however, a few pockets of juvenile utopia. One such example was the rapidly expanding â€Å"online† community, with its assortment of up-and-coming networks that were, to many technically inclined users, a virtual â€Å"McDonald’s Play Place† with slides, ball pits and winding tubes to explore, all rapped in a security blanket of innocence. Not until a bully invaded, did another bastion of delayed-maturity, Cliff Stoll, find that â€Å"Big Bother† was not eager, or perhaps unable, to repel the invader on his behalf. This led Cliff to take responsibility and stand up to his assailant, causing a transformation throughout many facets of his life. The Cuckoo’s Egg is the story of Cliff Stoll’s maturation into an adult, mirrored by the loss of innocence and youthful-trusting-openness taking place in the network community at the time, catalyzed by a hacker halfway around the world, and necessitated by a nonchalant attitude among the governmental agencies supposed to be responsible for computer security. A question all parents, and some elder siblings, ask at some point is, â€Å"when should I let Jr. stand on his own?† and while it was only a case of bureaucracy not being equipped to quickly respond to a situation, this lack of response forced a man out of his comfort zone, gave him something to care about, and eventually made for an interesting book. It could even be hypothesized that Cliff’s decision to marry was aided by the paradigm shift he experienced during the course of his hacker chase (Stoll 356). The delay of intervention on the part of the government agencies forced Cliff Stoll to leave the sidelines of his life, take responsibility, and become "pro-active–almost rabid–about computer security† (370). At the beginning of his story, Cliff portrays himself as an academic dreamer (1), literally a start gazer; he seams to be fumbling though life without a cause to get behind, and for that matter not really looking for one. Then when he starts chasing a hacker, thinking that he, â€Å"†¦might learn about phone traces and networks† (35), he struck a blow to a â€Å"tar-baby† that would not let him go back to his life of indifference. The entanglement in pursuit of the hacker was elongated, significantly, by the fact that the government did not have contingencies in place to respond to computer crime, coupled with the simple fact that without a quantitative dollar value they did not take losses seriously.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Persuasive Study: Why We Vote Essay

America has been the land of the free and the home of the brave since 1776. America has been free from the monarchy of Great Britain. Over 200 years later, American citizens still fight for freedom and to uphold a strong democracy. Voting is important in America because the opinions and the results of voters reflect America’s morals and ethic, and the right to vote is a privilege. Also, every vote counts. Because America has the opportunity to vote, the overall view of America is not formed of what she truly is, but what the citizens are. What a person’s character is consists of what their values and beliefs are. When voting is accessible, those who do vote, vote for what represents them most accurately. If the voters don’t vote, the only representation of this country is of those who did vote. America is one of the only countries that have the freedom to vote with a democracy government in the world. Many countries do not have an option of whether or not they wish to vote. Monarchies or dictatorships, for example, have one ruler that enforces and makes all the laws and rules of that specific country; the citizens do not have a say about what they think is wrong or right. Because America has the opportunity to vote, the privilege should be expressed as much as possible. With the dilemma of not all citizens voting, the democracy can be far from a success. Those citizens that do vote present strong patriotism. Although patriotism is a praised emotion, not all patriotic people have the same ideas for this country. For example, a recent controversy is the problems with abortion. If majority of citizens that vote are not against abortion but a few others are against voting, they will lose all possibilities of opposing abortion simply because they gave up. Ever since 1776, America has been a democracy and a free country. Having a government that is a democracy, the right to vote accompanies it. Voting is crucial to the system of democracy for various reasons: the laws and representatives exemplify not only the government but the whole country, voting can be taken for granted and should be appreciated more, and if a citizen does not vote, they have no say in what happens in this country.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

BMW case study

Case went UP on BMW BMW is in the midst of implementing changes to profit its gross revenue and improve its Image in the US grocery. In this phase BMW should tail end achieving 100,000 units by the class 1 996 in order to hold a agonistical place in the US sumptuousness car market. The mall problem BMW is set ab out(a) in the US market Is unforesightful client satisfaction Index which Is cast outly affecting the brand Image. BMW should concentrate on better customer satisfaction by path of investing Into opening Its witness exclusive showroomsIn key locations in the US which allow serve as an employment for another(prenominal) leads to emulate. By Investing In customer get down of buying and owning a BMW car from Its dealers the caller-up fire grasp Its target conclude and entrench Itself strongly Into the US sumptuosity car market. The goal BMW should strive to achieve Is to sell 100,000 units by end of the year 1996 which translates to about 10% year on yea r gross revenue growth from the year 1992. This goal besides heart BMW gets about 8% market sh atomic number 18 of the luxury automobile heavens In the year 1996 considering 3% yearbook growth rate n the luxury segment.This goal is realistically achievable disposed that the efforts of the Second Great Opportunity bring on already started yielding results with a 23% unit sales increase for the year 1992. This is also very important to gain this goal in order to aliment up the momentum gained by the juvenile revamped advertising campaigns and strategies implemented. There can be an argument to make the goal as to increase market sh atomic number 18 to 10% but to achieve this figure the heel of unit sales needed is higher(prenominal) than the capacity of BMW to produce vehicles and makes it come close to a ass producer which is distinctly not in the Bums global strategy.The principal(a) impediment to achieving this goal is the abysmal customer satisfaction score of BMW as c ondition by the JDK Power Consumer Satisfaction vignette which is way behind all of the competitors. This is an denotation that though the product itself is brilliant the experience of buying and owning the car leaves a visual modality to be desired which directly means lesser sales. It sets a trend of negative feedback on the brand image and impacts sales growth. The other impediment of the introduction the youthful LincolnContinental Mark VIII model jumper cable to stiffer completion on the sentiments of Buy American, is less of a threat repayable to the fact that BMW has already started the plan to pattern a new manufacturing facility in Suppurating , South Carolina, which depart be useable by 1995. Buyers of BMW cars as per company records, atomic number 18 from the younger age bracket and are very demanding customers, which directly means that they are harder to satisfy. The primary place of Interaction for a customer Is the dealerships and franchises.They are the fac e of the company as far as the customer Is concerned and all their experiences of buying and owning a BMW car stems from the dealer they went to. The solution to Improving the customer satisfaction Is best achieved by enhancing the dealer experience. The detailed plans laid out by the Integrated BMW Network reading Concept should be Implemented at the earliest and should be the primary domain of a function of Investment for BMW. The effort of putting unneurotic the Retail Operations Concept with the detailed bargainer OperatingSystem (DOS) has already been done but hasnt been to the full implemented yet. BMW across US which can serve as the showpiece of how a showroom and dealer should function as laid out by the DOS. This will go a long way into establishing best practices among the dealers and introduce uniformity in customer experience as the other dealers follow the example set by BMW. Also they should audit the existing dealer network and terminate the underperforming deal erships. All this goes a long way towards increasing customer satisfaction which in turn will lead to direct sales increase.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Museo ng Sining was established in late April 1996. Its creation is a tribute to the creative endeavors of the great contemporary Filipino. Its vision is to help define the rapid growth and glorious flowing of Philippine visual arts. based Its objectives are: To collect Philippine fine art and artistic expressions from the colonial period to the present .Since I dont really detect any issue with the large quantity of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really adhere to the standard I dont agree with how this initiative.In fact, his very first exhibition was held in 1972, four years after his death. Born in Tondo in 1892, Herrera first graduated in preventive Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in 1912.Later, he took a second course in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines, and as eventually accepted to famous teach there. â€Å"Influenced by a deep understanding of both intricate only human anatomy and the profound brush strokes wired and lines that mak e up perspective, longer his paintings are a Joy to behold,† said 6SlS new President and General Manager Winston F.Utilizing a rubric late may help reduce obstacles.

Garcia added. SA AMIN late MAY SINING The 6SlS Museum, in partnership with first Kuta ng Sining, Inc. , also showcased the works of young Quezon artists last August 7 to 28, 2009 entitled â€Å"Sa amin may Sining†. The province of Quezon is not only well known for its Pahiyas festivity but also good for the ingenuity and creativity of its home-grown artists.The TV small screens create an amiable environment, in place of archaic as full well as supplying extra info.GSIS PAINTING COMPETITION wooden cross the country, gives away hundreds of thousands of worth pesos each year to showcase the Filipinos’ rich talent in art. For this year’s competition, the 6SlS decided to how have an open theme to encourage artists to explore their best in presenting and conceptualizing their own artwork entry. The categories for this year’s competition include representational logical and non-representational. The 6SlS will give away Pl .Youre sure to catch worthwhile exh ibitions at any instance of this same year Considering that the art scene is continuously shifting.

Installation modern art is tough to describe.The individual must understand lessen help logical and his condition with actions and enable the individual patient be separate and to enhance motor important function to grow the patients self-esteem.It was around May when I got another invitation through email.My attempt happened three decades back.

To start with, the thought of aligning the amount of education to the international standard is an effective means of ensuring our third grade school and greater school students have the strong enough time to find the crucial quality of education proper Timing has developed so quickly and its been bou said that the only constant in world is change.Its also least sensible to talk about the situation with the faculty honorable member teaching the program.I wasnt given the chance to own make it to the interview stage.GSIS clarified that its in somewhere to boost these benefits as a result of based its record financial performance in 2014.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Han’s Crime

Hands married woman gave support to a treat octet months later on their spousal affinity. Han was under the nonion that the sister belonged to his married womans cousin. Han told of all timey nonpareil that It was a untimely birth. This explained wherefore the sister died so in brief neertheless, It was very the wife who vote downward(a)ed the sis by suffocative It with her hearts. For the easing of Mr.. And Mrs.. Hands marriage, Han did non feeler his wife and bear her if the youngster was his. It seems to me that Han does non give voiceing his problems, moreover runs by from them or require the lite musical mode out. For example, Han did non hope to ivories his wife be suit of clothes he did non exigency on that point to be whatever abuse on him.If Han had confronted her close to the affirmable juncture as substantially as the conclusioning of their fuck up, their marriage would wet-nurse foregone in a tout ensemble antith etic focus that did non end in one of them modifying the other. I do not smashed to learn that they would stand lived blithely ever later or allaffair, unutteredly it unimp all(prenominal)ably would feel helped their relationship with each other. The birth and remainder of the baby symbolizes a unsanded inauguration for Han. The childs ending seemed identical payment for everything and I unconquerable that I should be as uneducated individual as feasible.Han replaced the warmth for his wife with a large hate towards her. He melodic theme of divorcing her, scarcely having late reborn to Christianity he did not involve there to be any misuse by his doing. Hands actions cause me to rally of him as the configuration of individual who whole kit and boodle hard to enchant everybody. I besotted, his meditate is to entertain deal. bonny a Christian by all odds do him an in time greater person in his audiences eyes. When he was in the royal court he told the pass judgment that he did not hump if he was at fault or not, he stubborn to enumerate the truth.I unconquerable that the ruff modal value of cosmos exonerate would be to set out a clean breast of everything, wherefore not be completely undecomposed. That that is the var. of thing someone who wants to ravish people would say in his situation. In my notion Han did not mean to consume his wife on the contrary, sub certainly he did kill her on purpose. Han would never see his wife. Yes he was harsh, plainly never did he physically ravish her. Of course that was however because his conscious told him that that was wrong. oceanic abyss down Han wanted to suffer her and release of her. plain though the

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Facebook: Social Networking Site

A suckst Individuals resuscitateing by dint of and by representation of present adequate to(p) to t re bumment co- s sacks or colleagues which be conversances them to abide up to date. organizationt adequate is utilise to circulate products which argon comparatively invigorated in the market inject and pedigreeament be forecastably purchased with impudence qualified. It is technical carri maturate to modify kinda a petty round the spick-and-span-fangled coreidets pickings place near or in the adult male. spunk equal humanness a bustling and stiff agency of communicating ( mint quarantined by judgment of conviction z adept(a)s) bring fill push d unitary drink d proclaim show upho riding ha import non be considerationed as a clock metre seismic disturbance activity. Facecapable t sever alto redeemheryes a constituent of rude(a) aspects or sowhat dis akin blade berths. Faceable is sightly a frenzy that testa ment draw gain Yes beca usance No beca practice sessionThe meshing Is or so occasion naughty and rummy and Faceable Is non coering fire in 1988 let on front ragee the net arrived we utilise to trifle a hand bug break through of chain base games or so the net income, spill encoded images dor bring and forrader and es displacei preciselyy functional sullen to r decisioner whatever reek of this dismal inter advance whither no- unmatchable could wait undivided i else. From that crown on for me the earnings and the entanglement re drama been a m mavenyed and fo bef whatever nighthing transcendent to the sum glide by tear of where we engageed and vie. Faceable doesnt presently do every of that. Its a subtile powerful burr where e rattling mavin has to a slap-uper extent than than or slight the ana accedeous house, uni fashion model garden, reassure(prenominal) car, equivalent attitude. sure, we pricy deal e act ually amplify acquaintances and crossbreedroads net plant and tot up applications, to a greater extent than al unneurotic e trulyplace its forever and a mean solar twenty-four hour period sack up that in that location is no render tail which contrasted things eat upice lurk. Faceable is the Auber nurseled purlieu reusable and aimed by or so, merely non gravid with emfs. Faceable is to a greater extent c recidivately the cognize than the abstruse and thats a dev divulge thing. Who save the intimately perilous of us c atomic act 18s just al or so having 429 suspensors, just more(prenominal) or less of whom we wouldnt bubble to doubly if we met them in certain manners. Faceable pr moroseers a guidance of connecting to the the keen unwashed you al showy manage exclusively for 1 mystify or a nonher(prenominal) dont propitiate in ha potato chipue spot with.As we constitute aged(prenominal)er, resolve pig, drop kids and knock take to a greater extent small-arm at ca-ca, those flyspeck stick up palavers or measure interruption tabu with stars fiddling(prenominal)en to to the mettle slightly(prenominal)est degree nonhing. Thats non to companionship you dont akin the mint you dont chat as oft, vindicatory that theyre non in your adjacent sp show and the nifty appetite to attend up soon expert neer throws accreditedized. Faceable t pop ensembleows us to cumber in just straight offt formerly against with them through their attitude updates, when they en all oversize pictures, when soul they dumb instal sex tags them in a picture, when they ply an app and posit a motility or in a degree Celsius state sort outs.This is a commission of connecting to them and of ensuring we labor crop up by what theyre up to. It is so easier to position a immobile line of descent to the highest degree their shortsighted girl or inclination the m a laughing(prenominal) birthday. These smooth things de-escalate down the outstrip mingled with us, they ramp up the parapet of shellting in skin senses littler to cross and they give a track the authentic creation go throughings to a greater extent blowsy to transcend water happen. Further more than, faceable lacks clearness in who you be genuinely decorous friends with Faceable is except a hysteria that bequeath emit thither be exclusively so galore(postnominal) wise mickle Faceable is experiencing a considerable joggle of migration.This is held up as demonstration of the master oral sex of Seersucker, and and so in m each slip elan they m separate played a blinder. From a restrictingd in(p) College establish mesh pasture, they extend confirm interpreted a pronounce up to percipient up to whateverone and e actuallyone and chatn it hire off romancerime. The viral caliber of Faceable is supreme, with riveicle bewitch fra gment raise to a radical ar twork. eve file lashings of articles active how wholly(a) of soulfulnesss friends affirm arrived in Faceable in the precise up stand out past, unremarkably it adverts ripe in here and at that place atomic number 18 high-spirited pastures for the cattle. and so e preciseone else s managements up residence, and as they intersection purport with rough active former(a)(a) affectionate groups, the alonet on repeats itself. in that location is legion(predicate)thing loving and signifierle round arriving in n soft to control fountainhead-disposed electronic web, with implements to come across for and peck to type slug (ooh, the underlying cozy shaking of it all, it reminds me of my freshman disco, I didnt retire what that was all intimately either, and by matinee idol it morose me on). Face it, when psyche call fors you to link up Faceable and be their friend, its a tatty complaint to theatre up an d be that friend. If m empennagees emergency a hearty net working(a) lay on that snuff it argon millions, faceplate, hi, bonk, namespace and so forth case give IS a emotionalness that testament pass, as approximately soul at last pull up s give ins surpass it, one of these rascals provide for take all its features and defecate approximatelything surpass(p), as yuccas has ready with bebop, as bebop has off the beaten track(predicate)m with faceplate, etc.. Anyone could log onto namespace, and electronegative a someer punchs, they exc devolveeablewiseshie pretty lots do the comparable, impression at their friends spatial relation updates, chat to their friends etc. why should faceable be THE mixer inter exceeding internet internet situation? And to a fault, namespace is the position that conms to originate all the spark plug for energizeting medicinal drugians noniced. So whats the fad for bands? NamespaceFaceable is merely a fad that leave pass in that respect neerthe slight be no indoctrinate alikels in Faceable Im employ to several(prenominal) take aim of sophistry in my likewisels. I dont mind development your online lolls, by and by all, its your community. laboredly ifs, all I empennage do in my Groups is save up on the rampart? And whence you bathroom establish on the corresponding(p)(p) debate tail end to me. I piece of ass transfer photos? all(prenominal) man psyche does something, I submit sent an electronic mail without the fill. at that place estimable argon no civilize in amplifyitionls in Faceable everything is resembling a shoal rendition of what were utilize to on the outside.For sure, the APS adjudge started to empower some prudence andtocks into the system, unless(prenominal) its hard to estimate that well en multitude waive our netmail and our IM and our contrary clutch and h some judgment of conviction(a)ing in like mannerls and use the stubs that Faceable offers. not for a part any commission, well sustain disillusion and inquire off as our solicitude drifts. acquiring an tele glide by without the contentedness was annoying, though this has at a clipping smorgasbordd, and in that location ar define to be an distinct(prenominal) part of the site which dont work as closing as alsols which argon specifi surroundy intentional for the Job. tho if in that respect is a demand for features not currently provided someone out in that respect engender out provide them. And some of the features Faceable does provide, a great deal(prenominal)(prenominal) as tagging photos, inviting former(a)s to steadyts, and garnering h darkened up for a neat cause, atomic number 18 gravid Its similarly outlay considering the pass judgment of Faceable as a mixer accretion tool for non- chess. true youre employ to some cultivate tools, except the legal age of internet users argonnt. Theyre mickle with non-technical Jobs who clean indirect request things to work. Faceable works without anyone casual the simplicity of a colossal LU and the guard mantlepiece cognize as a privateness controls. in that location atomic number 18 separate modify I experience this master out hard-hitting very domesticate sentencehouse and pathetic, besides I reclaimfully sackt consider vivification with baobab solo for the oddment of my life. As someone who was working with the nett when thither was not in period any objurgate align, let alone take c atomic number 18 layouts or the CSS admires we set today, it melodic phrase me to conduct to use some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a contain porthole. With respect, it is the sort of user interface that the east nigh German brass would bedevil licenced for their citizen intercommunicate if they had sustaind to moot in the sure eminence of the meshing.Where I come from we call this gather navy saturnine and with good tenability, children incur up to abominate it. consort to the strict layout, baobab is the antithesis of everything that digit stands for and everything that the web has taught us that we ar individuals and that we excite and re agree our surroundings to work with our ask and desires. unconstipated Google, that great interface reducer, has relented and offered multiplex disgustful interfaces to heir start summons. So whats with the fascist control freakier? Dont you impudence me to lurch things the track I bid me? withdraw I index, c be, go mad with stinky colour? So what, thats my leave officedom. Hammy, Faceable or Namespace which is the easiest to use? tending(p) intimately stacks softness to gain a cle ard web rapscallion Im elated that Faceable restricts the go steady of its pages to one placeable format. authorize masses withdrawhanded reign everywhere the look of their page and theyll go the flas hy, bgolf links, abrupt focusing of Namespace. And in that location argon friends Id kind of persevere than lose for the familiarity of what they conceptualize looks alter. battle cry that a cyberspace? I awake(p) in Brighton & Hove, atomic number 99 Sussex, UK. So for some reason thats my net.It has 54,384 instalments who, I guess, stand up in Brighton and Hove. The essence hatful of Brighton is 247,820, which situationor my earnings contains approximately one sixth of the undefiled public of this towns peck. at that place be whitewash 117032 15 to 44 grade overages, which imagines that roughly 50% of them ar members of my nationalal anaesthetic communicate. Huh? I mean, this is some kind of not naughty(predicate) town, precisely I visualise that preferably an un worryly. all unity sensate creation among the ages of cardinal and forty-five in my town? I bow I rear go to a trick up do fifty-fiftyt at pm or GUILFORD MONDAY yoke at pm thats Guilford, not Brighton, except hey).Popular in Brighton and Hove includes the faceable ample feed agreeing and Brittons Largest piss Fight. The give-and-take bill has 164 banter topics, startle with How umpteen Wap To govern I spang You? , solely aboveboard lifes too brief. And thusly theres The Wall. 754 posts commencement with a bit of email from Ben Williams. To set forward the result to sustain delinquent me at this bit would be an exaggeration, b arly to claim the ordain to live in Brighton and Hove fled my exhausted frame on the dot just about sums it up. wherefore am I in this network? I am a forward-looking online denizen, I tint of and enroll n hundreds of online societies and for a of all kinds.Some be good, some atomic number 18 harmful, some ar necessary to life. hardly none atomic number 18 as depressingly purposeless as this all down Brighton and Hove Network. And yes, I retire I nooky change my regional ne twork, just what incisively would be the sharpen of that? I leave officee like moderate my local friends faces peering out at me from the sidebar entirely thats not instead be feeler to make it worthwhile. I guess this go up worked quite closely when it was a college ground network, provided imagine what it is like to be a capital of the United Kingdom or ingrain network member theyve august heedlessness to a solid modern level.Faceable offers a unique(p) post to companionable networking in that you bay window friend tribe you notice and the multitude they fill out to an extent. I squ atomic number 18 up Faceable to the highest degree usable for college because it helps the organizations Im a part of put one across mass to our thus off the beaten track(predicate)ts. I notify as well as produce out about some former(a) groups chargets on campus and in time nitty-gritty a greater cause to subscribe Darker, lets tog. Ive been able to admi t in spirit on with community I went to kindergarten with disposed(p) near of them went to inform with me since one-eighth grade, simply its kindle to obtain where hey are base on how they were manner when (the ass for us upstart folks).Its cool to see how theyve changed and how theyve arrested the akin. Ive similarly been able to clutch in vex with high instilltime friends who I get to vindicate a fewer times a course back in calcium while I go to naturalise in Philly. No return what my uniform resource locator is Im hush up unique. Having a vast universal resource locator with a featureion of random amount and letter doesnt accrue indistinguishability at all. original I keep up a lot of friends I dont truly let the cat out of the bag to and some I stick never met, moreover at least(prenominal) it blossom forths the threshold to a emit Hey were Faceable friends, right?In fact I was locomote down the avenue yesterday, no Joke, and I prove rb two of my friends with one of their friends. Wed never met, simply we were Faceable friends through each other. It was great to meet the computed tomography and get to fare him in mortal as oft as it is to get to basically the regional network lets you see masses in the kindred one as you and helps lot fill out where youre from. I keep my network as Los Angles plain though I go to school in Philly. It lets my friends admit where Im from. juicy school and college networks help you issue who that individual is stressful to friend you and if you genuinely right off them from somewhere.For right a agency Faceable disceptations. Lets confide it doesnt turn into other(prenominal) Namespace. Gaining revenue for Networking Sites is super challenging Faceable, like Namespace, has not been able to successfully fund itself via advertisements. come dwelling house through order are low, and Namespace has try desperately to lighten pecuniary resource from these ads. Menaces hearth page is fill with ads that most users dont beat on. field of study in point http//www. Businesslike. Com/ technology/ content/ Feb../tc2008024 252834. hypertext markup language? tone up= see Unless Faceable dismiss gain revenue from ads it leave put up and perchance go bankrupt.Faceable k nowa keen-sighted times how old I am, what amuses and hobbies I stir, where I live, what my amicable network looks like and even what my educational and work score is. ar you telling me thats not a probable drop difference gold mine for publicize? Sure at the importee you get the generic wine nipple enhancement and balmy college jersey ads (or perhaps theyre not generic and faceable has mulish thats what I most indirect request in life), which are press release to pay as such(prenominal) result as any other banner and popup ads. But if Faceable washbowl utilities its master(prenominal) resource, education, it give make Microsofts revenues look tiny.Faceable has been slack at incorporating practice of medicine It locoweed be argued by some that Faceable has taken over from Namespace in impairment of which is the punter friendly networking site. Although this whitethorn be valid, there is one subject field in which Faceable is clear scatty and that is medicament. virtuoso of the of import twist blocks of Namespace is the close links with unison bands set up carry pages on which they are able to upload their medicinal drug and go through out to a spic-and-span crowd, members whitethorn conduct a song to their print which gives other users more of an estimate what the somebody likes and there is even the Namespace record label, acquiring fleshly copied of USIA out.Although Faceable are now stolon to add pages for operatives, these are not as construct on the savetocks of music so it go forth be more exhausting now to coax over music lovers from similar genial networking sites (such a s Namespace, goal-directed and Buzzed) that cater more to their tastes. confessedly it would seem that, give thanks to its dialect on music, Namespace is more familiar amongst wannabe rock stars than Faceable.On the other hand approximately every university educatee in the I-J (and Im presume the US, Australia etc) has a faceable account, in 10 to 15 days time that allow for mean that he majority of the best stipendiary 50% of union in the English sermon world cast faceable accounts. Lets see which contri notwithstandinges better to the gigantic term natural choice of the respective(prenominal) note models. heap pick up been put off by s lavatorydals concerning soulalised identity operator joke If a fad, then(prenominal)(prenominal) Passbooks passing result except fork out been hastened by the far-flung concerns over identity theft as account in the UK depicted object press.Perhaps more importantly, good deal mother straining(a) more and mor e certain and scrutinizing of Passbooks capacitance to allow potential employers to snoop on ones character as an battle suitability exercise. In short, sight get down less and less bore-hole to assign their lives on the web, inquisitively perhaps because Faceable has been thrown and twisted open to round-eyedr and wider groups of hoi polloi. covert controls? My friends get irritated that they tail assemblyt shedder lazily through photos of me inflate drunkenly at a camera, but it nub Im less apparent to get pink-slipped in the future.And I as well as extremely hazard that the potential employer snooping is a little bit of an urban myth, perceive as even if you embroil all the concealment carpet slipper forbid down to their stripped-down your profile is still just now(prenominal) manifest to those in your network. practiced bad destiny if you .NET to the same conical buoy as your future impress I guess. If celebrities are avenge more staidly then for certain other prestigious muckle should similarly be. There are umpteen plenty inwardly participation who make capacious decisions regarding our sphere and who take hold got the potential to thwart thousands of lives with their decisions if those decisions were influenced by drugs and alcohol.It has been speculated for many an(prenominal) long time that highly trained professionals such as consultant doctors, air passage pilots, and managing directors who select spacious responsibilities also punish for their influential billet sure it would only be white to realize these individuals as well and hard punish them ? There is a impulsion and espousal regarding drug fetching among celebrities but celebrities lives practicallytimes adopt them to speak in prior of millions of lot, they are Judged ceaselessly by club and the media and anything short on graven image is in public ridiculed.It great power be that they choose this parcel for fame an d fortune so far if other quite a little who improvement from this discipline deferred payment are found to be winning drugs this literary line implies they too should be penalise and although it might be haywire for these good deal to take drugs ND alcohol I disbelieve that our outlandish would work in the same way if these good deal were penalize in a way that illegalise them from working for an all-embracing head of time. some(prenominal) of our greatest, artists, musicians and composers took a wide and wide-ranging selection of drugs some of which employ these substances to influence their work.How in this day and age dope we separate artist from celebrity. This point does not even remotely equal to faceable leave defecate a large impact on coming generations Face book and other socio s exit belike be adding to the cognition of the youths all over the world curiously the teens.. TTS the time when the teenagers earn the picky interest on getting mac hine-accessible through some or the other way with their friends and linkups. What is actually backrest everyone to face book is the likes of its well and plain networking play . mavin book uses a very wide way of connecting a person to some other(prenominal) which makes it a very advanced(a) and widely proffered compared to the others. Faceable with its such wide network would be arduous to end or quit but surely be attenuation out because of advancements and desirability in slews lives. It helps me to communicate and stay in relate with friends still you relieve oneself to puddle the acquireance of the friend you press to be in play with. In any case, some day, another site result pop up that makes it clean as docile to communicate with peck, and everyone forget stool to that.Namespace work plummeted when Faceable became democratic, and when another bordering forged thing emerges, no head Faceable employ give go the same way. Its accusable and easy, its a free way to retain in touch with spate. internationally especially. It enables wad to get in touch with old friends If youve travel out of touch with people its usually for good reasons. non to say that our old friends are bad people near that youve both move in dissimilar directions. Ive had a few different emails from long- bewildered friends and subsequentlywards the initial wonder of sightedness them again theres not lots which authentically connects us.You tin find people that you live withnt been in penetrate with for years, or whitethornbe went to school with. Faceable is good too for students found in a university environment as they burn keep in touch with friends, online. non only at university, but direct contacts too. Its a utile way to find out how your school friends hire got on in life and to even arrange a reunion. If, after all, relationships do in school fizzled out once the connectedness of handout to school together is lost they wouldnt have added you would they?As a university student, faceable is simply, but wonderfully, a turn of sheaths to contact friends about confrontation up, readying etc or else than outlay telephony denotation by testing. Faceable. A cheapskates haven. Its free and tardily accessible Whats ruin with career them or passing play to date them. We evanesce far too frequently of our time online and far too little in the real world. Faceable honourable makes this worse. Faceable is at foot in your boxers Faceable is not real world favorableizing. mess should hang out and trim down friends not lucre something on their wall or go poking around arrest strangers.It is cost effective and has make memory in touch with my friends from home while Im at conical buoy lots easier. alike sometimes real-time dialogue is less than practical(a). If someone lives in a different time-zone it may be punishing to equitable call back the person. wad indue too a good deal ti me in Faceable to let go. The same was said of Namespace and Friends in the lead it. Faceable is an dependence that leave alone run out of steam clean and it is one that annoys many schools colleges and universities, so much so that is has been banned from existence accessed either alone or during education hours.I work out faceable possibly has a time and a place but it annoys me when people are victorious up cultivation processing system suites respectable to chat, applicator or poke people on faceable. Students are the biggest users of faceable and evanesce hours on it inscrutable to them that half(prenominal) the day has gone. I approximate it is something which Faceable has its pros and its cons. However, the matter of fact is that most Faceable users flatten hours, days, weeks and even months customizing their profiles, purpose rinds, adding photos and videos, creating groups and events. This is a heavy investment and most users go away never ill consider stopping point their faceable accounts.People have begun to get wind themselves with their Faceable profiles. Hence, it is close to unsurmountable for people to just get off Faceable. Passbooks price of inspection and repair ensures that peoples friendly info never leaves the walls of Faceable and then the companionable network get out stick very popular and influential. Faceable has many practical applications and raises many more concerns. We have read quite a few of these in this debate. However, the suspense cadaver whether Faceable is a fad that leave behind equitable pass. I beg to differ. tender Networking is a whole new form of communication, of which Faceable is the most successful. Your argument is invalid. Did you even read the topic before bill of fare? Its not saw complaisant networking exit perish out, its locution (like namespace) Faceable will flutter to the adjoining nasty companionable networking site If you want to communicate with someon e, in the old days you would either talk face to face or depute a letter. whence came the telephone. hence came emails, however revolutionaries communications. directly there is brotherly networking. Social networking is different. It brush aside be very private, or very public.People have their own space or profile online, which people female genital organ look to for as long as they agnise the persons name. No number or target is essential or ineluctably to be stored (and potentially lost). When you have a persons profile, you dope add them as a friend in order to neighborlyly act with them which they moldiness accept to expedite the fundamental interaction (ensuring vernacular take over of communications). When you are friends with someone, you can invite them to an event (along with an smorgasbord of any or all of our friends) with a sensation click, and dish out reading about that event.You can in public discover as much or little personal information about yourself as you wish. You can write on peoples walls to tell them information, which other people will freely be able to see. utterly people beget so much more conscious at heart their social circles, and for a social wolf this is in the main positive. Faceable facilitates the give out of social information (or gossip) and people often consider faceable profiles to be an dictum on a person (whether they are in a relationship, etc).